This is such a different post than anything I have ever done. I am so hesitant to write it for a couple reasons... 1) it is very personal 2) I am paranoid of all those proof readers out there:) None the less...I continue to type. The Lord so encouraged me today. And, I hope to encourage you. Last night, while on a date night with another couple, Jeremy and I got to experience God's encouragement in the flesh. The couple we were on a date with complimented our chef numerous times, including telling him that God gets Glory when he prepares meals. I had to agree, this guy's food was CRAZY good. You should have seen this young man's face when our friends spoke LIFE to him. I wish you could have felt the spirit of the conversation. I guarantee when that guy has a hard day, the Lord will bring back our friend's words. It was simply....encouraging. When we see a quality in someone that God has given them, why don't we tell them? Why don't we lavish in God's goodness when we see someone walking in their giftings? Sometimes I think we need to step it up a notch or two and look for God working in the lives of others, and then tell them about it. Other times, I think
we need to recognize when the Lord uses people to encourage us. This morning, the Lord showed me a situation in my own life. A few weeks ago a friend called
me a writer. I have thought of it often. That simple statement "Lea is a writer." Oh, how that blessed me. Not because I think I am a good writer. Not because I want to publish a book , or write things for other people to read. Actually, I prefer no one sees what I write. But, I do like to write. It blessed me because I haven't thought of myself as a writer in years. Some how, as life got busy, that part of me got lost. The Lord has often drawn me to a pen and paper when things in life are hard, funny or encouraging. Just to write down my feelings is such a relief. It is like my own letter to My Father. And, it feels like once I write it down it is now released to be read and then cared for. Sometimes I see Him putting my letter on the fridge and laughing with me, or holding it close to His heart. Sometimes I see Him tearing it up into pieces as if saying "
That situation,
that hurt has been expressed and cried over and now it is..gone.healed.forgiven." I KNOW God loves it when I write. And, today I am thankful for that friend who called me a writer. Simple statements that touch so deep because it is one aspect of who God created me to be. Be encouraged friends when someone calls
you a good cook, organizer, mother, or decorator. When they say
you are creative, the best joke teller, resourceful. When someone compliments how talented
you are at taking pictures, putting outfits together, or negotiating. Or...when someone calls
you a writer. I just love it when God uses us, His children, to speak life into others' lives. Let us all, like my friends, look for ways to encourage others. God created things deep within
us - let them rise to the surface to Glorify our God! ***Romans 12:1-8***